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Resistive Touch Screen Vs Capacitive Touch Screen [A02]

Capacitive and Resistive are two most common types of Touch Screen available in almost all the Mobile phones used.A much debated topic is which one to use ,whether to go for Capacitive or stick to Resistive.Before selecting which one to choose i made a small research on these two technologies.

                                                          ( click on images to expand )

First phone image is of  iPhone with Capacitive multi touch screen  and second one is of Nokia C6 - 00 with Resisitve touch screen

What is Resistive Touch Screen ? 

- Its a Screen that requires a additional pressure to be applied to the screen to activate the functions present or to make it respond to user interactions.This screen consists of many layers separated by thin spaces and when the pressure is applied to the surface by finger or stylus the layers get touch completing the circuit.

Features :

  • Cost is less compared to Capacitive touch screen
  • Multi - touch is not applicable ( may be in future there s one )
  • Requires pressure either by Stylus or Finger
  • very less prone to scratches

    What is Capacitive Touch Screen ? 

    - This type of screen mainly relies on electric properties of human body and mainly the finger touch . The very light touch of finger is enough for the screen to respond unlike the resistive screen which requires pressure.There has to be a conductor for this screen to respond as human body acts like a conductor so only available option is finger.It does not work with stylus or any other pointer device

    Features :

    • Its costly , so does cell phones with this screen technology is costly
    • Multi-touch is a very important feature in this type of screens
    • Sensitivity of this screen is very high
    • Easily gets scratches
    So which is better ? That is left for the readers to decide , if cost factor is considered then resistive works , if current technology is considered then Resistive screens are outdated.

    Have a look at the Capacitive Multi touch of iPhone below :


    Raymond said...

    There are 2 common types of touchscreen technologies: the capacitive and resistive that are very popular for smartphones. But what are the difference for these two technologies? This blog give us information about that. Capacitive touchscreens are made up of an insulator that is coated with a transparent conductor and touch panel, consisting of a glass as the insulator coated in indium tin oxide (ITO). So when the human body comes into contact with the capacitive touchscreen panel, the touch panel’s electrostatic field becomes distorted. This distortion that is then read by the touch panel controller and, depending on the program written, the display will respond accordingly. The resistive touchscreen is made up of several layers. When you press down onto the touch panel with your finger or a stylus, the top layer flexes and pushes back onto a layer behind it. This will effectively complete a circuit and tell the controller of the touch panel being pressed. These are the features of capacitive and resistive touchscreen technology. I like the sample video you have provided in the blog.

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