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Google Chrome OS - New Operating System from Google [A03]

Google Chrome OS is the next new Operating System from Google company which is scheduled to be made functional from start of Jan 2011 to may be around mid-2011 .The name Chrome OS sounds familiar to their Chrome Browser , as they say its the Extension of their chrome browser.

The User Interface is almost like a web browser interface as it is targeted towards the people who spend most of the time using internet and its resources.Google Chrome OS is an open source operating system based on Ubuntu , a linux operating system with the project known as Chromium OS .Chrome OS will only ship on specific hardware from Google's manufacturing partners.

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The Cr-48 is a test notebook by google which is running chrome OS in it.They call it a pilot-program which uses the chrome OS.More details about CR-48 test notebook and its features will be on posted on coming posts.

The demo video of Chrome OS follows


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